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Welcome to CHIPTRONIKS Repairing Research Institute Chiptroniks is market leader in Chip Level Repair Training Laptop ,Mobile,LED LCD TV,printer,CCTV Repair Training Institute.(लैपटॉप,मोबाइल, एलईडी एलसीडी टीवी, प्रिंटर, सीसीटीवी रिपेयरिंग ट्रेनिंग सेंटर।)
Basic Steps in Refilling In refilling each ink cartridges, there are some basic steps, that we have to follow. These are; 1. Cleaning 2. Refilling 3. Testing 4. Sealing the Print Head and Packing Now, we are going to have a closer look to these steps. 1. Cleaning: This is the most important phase of […]
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