100% job guarantee |
No clear guarantees |
Assured suitable job on course completion* |
Centralized Placement Cell |
No organised placement facility |
Assured placement for all students. |
Faculty trained & Certified by Chiptroniks |
Non-certified faculties |
Internationally benchmarked teaching methodology |
Wholesome Teaching technique |
Traditional, one-dimensional teaching |
Ease of learning for nontechnical students, ensures higher level of retention |
English Speaking and Personality Development by MBA Guru |
Little or no English Speaking and Personality Development. |
Boots Confidence thus instilling desire to suceed |
In-depth coverage of basic and digital electronics & micro-processors |
Superficial coverage |
Strong foundation |
Simulated hands-on practice and Computer Based Training (CBT) through video splitters |
No hands-on practice or CBT |
Better exposure through real life examples |
Fastest Growing Company with mission to have 10 centres in Delhi & 90 centres Across India |
Mostly local players |
A well established and nationally recognised institution |
Online Course |
Noone in the market have technical know how to implement |
Strong industry leadership, advantage in placement |