PHONE 24*7 Helpline 011-47592046, 9971004993,
Welcome to CHIPTRONIKS Repairing Research Institute Chiptroniks is market leader in Chip Level Repair Training Laptop ,Mobile,LED LCD TV,printer,CCTV Repair Training Institute.(लैपटॉप,मोबाइल, एलईडी एलसीडी टीवी, प्रिंटर, सीसीटीवी रिपेयरिंग ट्रेनिंग सेंटर।)
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hello i am shamanna
from pooja eletronics
for tv repair center
i ned to lcd&led penal repair trying
call +91 9971004993
i would like to join for CCTV and LED , LCD repairing , please help me with contact details in bangalore and course fees
hi i need laptop training.
Wants to learn tv , fridge and washing machine repair